x86 Instruction Set Reference

FDECSTP - Decrement Stack-Top Pointer

Opcode Mnemonic Description
D9 F6 FDECSTP Decrement TOP field in FPU status word.

Subtracts one from the TOP field of the FPU status word (decrements the top-of-stack pointer).

If the TOP field contains a 0, it is set to 7. The effect of this instruction is to rotate the stack by one position. The contents of the FPU data registers and tag register are not affected.

if(Top == 0) Top = 7;
else Top = Top - 1;
FPU flags affected

The C1 flag is set to 0. The C0, C2, and C3 flags are undefined.

Floating-Point Exceptions
Protected Mode Exceptions
#NMEM or TS in CR0 is set.
Real-Address Mode Exceptions
#NMEM or TS in CR0 is set.
Virtual-8086 Mode Exceptions
#NMEM or TS in CR0 is set.