x86 Instruction Set Reference

XORPD - Bitwise Logical XOR for Double-Precision Floating-Point Values

Opcode Mnemonic Description
66 0F 57 /r XORPD xmm1, xmm2/m128 Bitwise exclusive-OR of xmm2/m128 and xmm1..

Performs a bitwise logical exclusive-OR of the two packed double-precision floating-point values from the source operand (second operand) and the destination operand (first operand), and stores the result in the destination operand. The source operand can be an XMM register or a 128-bit memory location. The destination operand is an XMM register.

Destination[0..127] = Destination[0..127] ^ Source[0..127];
Instruction Latency Throughput Execution Unit
XORPD xmm, xmm4/4/12/2/1MMX_ALU